This is an additional Workshop. Requires additional registration.
ROS for AUVs
A workshop about the Robot Operative System (ROS) in the context of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) will be taught during the NGCUV conference.
The course will start with an introduction to ROS in which the following concepts will be presented:
* Package creation and organization
* ROS nodes
* Synchronous and asynchronous communication of nodes using publish/subscribe or client/service patterns
* Main ROS utilities: roscore, rosrun, roslaunch, rostopic, rosnode, rosmsg, rossrv, rosbag, rviz, rqt_graph, rqt_tree, rqt_bag, …
The course will also cover and introduction to the underwater simulator UWSim as well as the open-source software architecture, named COLA2, developed at CIRS and used in both Girona500 AUV and SparusII AUV. Discussed topics in the context of UWSim and COLA2 will be:
* How to simulate navigation and perception sensors
* How to implement a generic localization filter
* How to develop a generic control stack for AUVs
* Basic navigation and guidance algorithms for AUVs
* Safety measures for autonomous vehicles
Examples and exercises will be performed using UWSim as well as the SparusII AUV in a water tank.
Basic Linux notions and some knowledge of Python or C++ are required to follow the course. Students have to bring their own laptop. A Live USB with a pre-configured version of Ubuntu 12.04 will be provided by the organization.